A square peg in a round hole.

How tough must it be for a mum to openly describe her eight-year-old daughter as a square peg in a round hole.

Rebecca Taylor has shared with us her family story of ongoing struggles and as you will see, successes along the way. Her daughter, Zara is now nine years old and it is fair to say she struggles in the classroom - diagnosed with a combination of dyslexic conditions and ADHD Rebecca tells us “Zara always feels like a square peg in a round hole.” She continues.

“We have tried all sorts of team sports, but the rules and co-ordination required often meant that she gets left out, she doesn’t get the ball passed to her, she doesn’t get picked but she loves being active and has always wanted to take something in to her classroom news at school!”

Giving up wasn’t an option for the Taylor family and after trying many different sports, found that running was the perfect outlet for their hyperactive daughter, it was just “one foot in front of the other” she describes.

After seeing the advertisement for her local XRACE, Rebecca decided that without any expectations, this mother-daughter team would have a crack at our crazy race - not knowing what challenges lay around the corner for her daughter that already faces enough challenges on a daily basis.

Straightaway it was Mum struggling to keep up with her super active daughter, I will let Rebecca continue.

“She pushed me all the way around the course, it was amazing. She was motivated, engaged and so excited to be part of a big event. The challenges were the toughest part for Zara - having challenges that involved memory, coordination and gross motor skills.”

After receiving this email from Rebecca, outlaying all the difficulties Zara struggles with and having to Google terms like dysgraphia (inability to write coherently) and dyscalculia (difficulty in making arithmetical calculations), I will be honest and say there was a twist to the email we weren't expecting.

“Anyway, Zara went really hard and ended up taking out the champion in the eight-year-old category!”

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

XRACE is fiercely inclusive. The best tonic for the Taylor family is to stand on the start line, just like any other family without a disability beginning with "dys" - just another mum and daughter team at XRACE.

Rebecca tells us, "I want to thank everyone at XRACE. This day had a huge impact on my little girl. The confidence and finding an activity that works for her on the way SHE works is awesome. I really want to compliment your team on hosting such a nice, relaxed, friendly event that gives a place to everyone to join in.”

I bet Zara’s age-group winning medal would have made for great news at school that Monday.